She had bought her costume from ebay three weeks before the party was announced, and Martina was more excited about the day than she was about Christmas.
It wasn’t that Halloween was anything special when she was younger, it was just that her parents had been strict and hadn’t allowed her to go out with friends until she was eighteen. Now that she was living alone with only a few select people she gladly called friends, Martina couldn’t wait to be a big kid again.
She reached Abbas and Briana’s place a little before ten o’ clock and helped them both with the snacks and the drinks and even ran over to the off licence to pick up a few extra plastic knives and forks.
Her costume was incredibly tight fitting, and it clung to her almost like a second skin. She enjoyed this new sensation, the feeling of knowing what she was wearing while the rest of the world carried on oblivious to her catwoman costume.
The theme this year was heroes and villains, and Briana had told everyone to dress up or not enjoy a drink and a party, so Martina had scoured the internet looking for a costume that was definitely a villain. As expected Briana had gone for some computer game character, from what Martina understood from Briana’s ravings it was some woman called Samus Arun from some backward game called ‘Metriod.’ Abbas had dressed up as gangster from the 50’s and he was already in character when she arrived so early.
The all had fun for a while as Briana commented on Martina’s big tits, and Abbas shushed her with a kiss. Then the girl started eating before any of the guests arrived and received a pinch on her butt for her efforts. She was funny, if nothing else, and hot. Martina had always envied Briana for her small waist, and her small tits. She envied those long legs, and chocolate skin that never seemed to pimple or break out.
The other guests started arriving a little after eleven-thirty, and Briana turned the music right up. There was a joker, and a Batman. A Robin and a Wonder-woman. A few stormtroopers, a couple of Darth Vaders, and even a few Peter Pans.
Devils and Angels were more common as they all stood on the balcony, smoking cigarettes and sitting on the couch was the most gorgeous Dorien Grey she had ever seen.
He sat there, joking with Briana and Abbas as he sipped on a vodka coke and smoked a cigarette.
His hair was shaved at the sides, and grown into a long blond ponytail at the back. His shoulders were as broad as tank, and his hands thick and wonderful. His blue eyes captured Martina from the moment he walked through the door, and she instantly wished she had paid more attention to the story of Dorien Grey at school. He had bought the costume as well, complete with a portrait of himself tucked behind the sofa. He fiddled with the edges of it nervously, as Briana took his empty cup and went for a refill.
Martina stopped Briana as the Samus Arun danced a little with Death and Famine.
‘Who’s the cute guy you’re talking to?’ Martina asked adjusting her breasts and her costume with one hand.
Briana glanced over at the blond guy and shrugged. ‘One of the bartenders from across the way. He confessed that he loves fancy dress so I invited him along.’ Briana leaned forward with that mischievous gleam in her dark eyes. ‘His name is Darian, and he’s single. You should go and introduce yourself.’
Martina smiled, and watched as Briana’s butt attracted a few admiring glances.
Martina took a deep breath and tried to muster some of Briana’s courage, she failed.
Martina was nothing like Briana. Her breasts were a generous D, and her legs were short and dumpy. Her brunette hair hung limply around her face, while her soft green eyes did nothing for her pale skin, and hairy upper lip.
Martina’s only saving grace was her lips, full and passionate like Angelina Jolie’s. Martina was a very short 5″ while Briana towered over her with an extra 8 inches to spare. Martina’s arms were short and soft with flesh, while Briana’s were long and muscular.
While Briana could eat whatever the hell she wanted, Martina had to watch her sugar intake, her cholesterol intake, her fat intake heck even her starch intake had to be closely monitored or she would balloon right back up to a size twenty, and it had taken Martina the better part of two years to lose all that weight and be a this-will-do 16.
Although Briana had confessed on a number of occasions that she would love nothing better than be able to have massive tits, some flesh on her bones and some more junk in her trunk.
Martina glanced over at the blond guy, took a sip of courage which at the moment was a straight whiskey on the rocks and sashayed over, giving her best impression of catwoman as she dared.
Abbas stood, and with one arm escorted her over as if she were his prize pet, and got her to merter escort bayan sit down next to him.
‘Wow,’ Darian exclaimed as Martina sat down and steadied her drink. ‘Who’s the hottest catwoman I’ve ever laid eyes on?’
Martina smiled and extended a hand. ‘Martina, or Catwoman. I work with Abbas and Briana.’
Darian took it, his eyes clearly not where they should be. Martina felt her nipples harden as Darian swallowed her up with his bright blue eyes.
Abbas grinned leaned forward and said, ‘I told you, you’re working in the wrong pub. I have all the hot girls, and all the hot customers.’
‘Clearly,’ Darian agreed, admiring Martina’s clingy costume and heaving tits.
Their hands shook, Darian’s hand still cold from the last drink he held, and hers warm and sweaty from standing in the kitchen for so long.
Martina would have loved nothing better than to be able to undress slowly in front of him, watch his eyes as they roved over her body. Do a slow dance and let him see her curves, and her meat, then let him bite her tits, his tongue dance over her nipples, his thick hands grabbing her, turning her over and licking her wet pussy with a dry tongue. Bliss!
‘So how long have you worked at the Prince Edward?’
Martina came out of her daydream with a jump, and was surprised that Abbas and Briana were no longer around, or that the large sofa that they sat on was occupied by only them. Martina squirmed, adjusting her seat.
‘Only for a few months. I gave my CV to Briana, next thing I know, it’s Abbas calling me up. My interview was about ten minutes before they offered me the job.
Darian nodded swirling his drink in his glass.
‘Do you know the story about those two?’ Darian pointed to Abbas as he received a naughty dance from Briana, her favourite song was on, and by the way she was shaking her butt it wasn’t for the pleasure of the crowd who urged her on.
Martina shook her head watching Abbas’s cock grow in the dim light. It was a big one by the look of that bulge. Martina felt herself grew excited watching it, her body wanted that as much as Briana seemed to, and judging by the way Briana had that look in her face, she was as horny as Martina was getting.
Already Martina felt a dampness between her thighs.
‘They used to be really good friends, but Briana had always fancied him. You could tell whenever they came over to my pub for a drink.’
Martina frowned. ‘What happened?’
‘They fucked,’ Darian said his eyes fixed squarely on her thick thighs. ‘Apparently they’d both spent one night drinking hard-core. She went in the shower the next morning, forgot to lock the door and in comes Abbas with a massive hard-on with that giant cock of his. A couple of nights later, they’re both screwing each other senseless in the delivery space behind the pub, I heard it was wild.’
Martina watched as Briana pressed her lithe body up against Abbas’s thick chest and whispered in his ear. While the rest of the party continued without them, Briana led Abbas upstairs, one with a hard-on that looked ready to explode, and the other shaking her butt as she danced up the stairs, holding his hand.
‘From what I’ve heard, they have sex whenever and wherever. In his car, in the cellar, even on the pub floor when everyone’s gone. They fuck like rabbits, and don’t stop.’
‘Really?’ Martina asked, wondering what it would be like to feel Abbas’s shaft in her. She squirmed again, feeling how hot she felt, how wet she had become.
‘Yes, really.’ Darian answered, as he stood up and took her free hand. ‘Come, I’ll show you. Your manager and supervisor are worse than you thought.’
Martina found it hard to protest, Darian’s grip was very hard, yet soft. She let him pull her up and lead her through the crowd of friends and family and acquaintances that either Briana or Abbas knew. Some masked faces acknowledged both of them with a rushed nod before engaging once again in their conversation about work, life love and general nonsense. She didn’t hear all of it, but she felt the pulse of the party. It was very much alive, even without the host and the hostess.
As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Darian stopped her, fiddling with drink. ‘I’m a voyeur, I like watching people fuck, and I love watching these two. Her moans are music and his cries add to a greater symphony.’
Martina nodded. She had never watched people fucking before, her parents would have been outraged if they had seen what she was doing now. But somehow, Darian’s admittance of his erotic voyeurism made her want to see this all the more, and see the beauty and hear the music of two people fucking hard.
Darian watched Martina’s face and waited a while, then when he thought it right, he took her hand again and led her upstairs.
The music pumping escort anadolu yakası through the thin walls did nothing to cut out Briana’s cries, and stop the dull thud of Abbas’s dick ramming into her. Martina licked her lips. The taste of her gloss almost like the taste of a man cumming into her mouth. Through his costume, Martina could see the first faint outline of Darians’ erection. Her body began to ache.
As they reached the partly closed door, she could hear their every word.
‘Oh god!’ Briana cried. ‘Fuck me Abbas, come on me.
Abbas grunted in return, and a moment later Briana moaned beautifully.
Martina blinked in astonishment as Darian merely opened the door and let himself in. He waited until Martina was in and silently locked the door after them.
He turned to Martina, and raised one thick finger to his thin lips and crept along the bedroom floor with considerable care. Martina followed, her heart pounding in her chest. Darian chose a comfortable seat and patted his lap for Martina to sit as well.
All the while, Abbas drove his massive cock into Briana’s shaved, tight pussy and made her cry out, each time more louder than the last.
Their bed was a tangle of mauve sheets and red duvet, mingled with their discarded costumes and accessories.
Abbas had flipped Briana over and drove his shaft into her exposed pussy, shaved, clean and wet.
He slapped her butt, reached round and grabbed her tits. Played with her clitoris till she moaned with ecstasy.
Martina sat down in Darian’s lap, already panting.
‘Do not say a word,’ he whispered huskily. ‘Just enjoy the show.’
He kissed her neck softly, and groped her tits gently. For such big hands, Darian was very gentle.
The room smelt of their sex, Briana’s wet pussy and Abbas’s cum, mingled in the room with the smell of perfume, shower gel and body odour. The smell was sending Martina’s pussy crazy, it leaked like a broken tap soaking her knickers.
Briana clutched the sheets as her thighs shook with each stroke of Abbas’s massive dick, and every time she cried out he silenced her with a quick ram. His balls slapping her lips with each stroke from his powerful manhood. As he fucked her doggy.
He grabbed her afro hair and ran a single finger down her back. ‘You want more don’t you baby? You want more, you want me to fuck you?’
‘Yes! Oh Jesus yes. More! Fuck me raw!’
Martina could hear Darian’s breathing as it came out hoarse and uneven. She could feel his erection through the thin PVC of her costume.
‘Yes,’ he whispered, ‘fuck her, make her cry and moan. Yes.’
Martina watched them both, as she squirmed over Darian’s growing excitement.
Abbas was pumping her, his every thrust encouraged a cry from Briana’s pretty round mouth, and his every touch brought her one step closer to orgasm.
Martina watched with jagged breath and Briana gasped and cried out louder and louder every time Abbas thrust into her, violently, and softly. Faster, then slower.
Darian ground his dick up against Martina’s wet pussy, and his hands played with her soft round jugs. His mouth nibbled at her ear and stroked her neck.
With his dick still rammed to the balls in Briana’s little cunt. Abbas flipped her over with ease, her legs passed over his head and for a few seconds Martina saw the beautiful sight of pussy and dick together in harmony.
It was a wonderful sight, and without thinking, Martina slipped her hands down her costume and felt the wetness of her own. It was so slippery down there her clitoris was almost too difficult to find, but her fingers knew the path, and they began to rub her down without her knowing as she watched Abbas and Briana cum together.
Her little back arched and her arms were flung out. Her hair spread over the pillow like a dark halo. Abbas with his hands holding on fiercely to her arse, pushed his cock in all the more deeper till his balls touched her cheeks, his face screwed and his mouth in a fierce grimace of ecstasy.
Briana gasped a few times, let out a moan that shattered Abbas and he came, withdrawing quickly and let his cum squirt over Briana’s flat belly and pretty little tits.
‘All over her, yes that’s it.’ Darian whispered as his hand followed Martina’s fingers and took over, rubbing her so hard, Martina could feel herself shaking already. She gasped.
Briana looked up from the sound as Abbas’s sperm trickled down her flat belly onto the sheets, and gave Martina a wink that was neither mischievous or devious. Just passionate, a secret message from woman to woman.
“Go on.” The wink seemed to say. “It’s only natural.”
Darian’s hands slipped deeper inside Martina’s knickers, lapping up her wetness. Probing her expertly.
In a movement so deft, Martina slipped her trousers beşiktaş esc off and spread her legs wide for Abbas and Briana to see.
A small voice protested, this was her manager and her supervisor, what was she thinking? Martina ignored it, giving in completely to the lust and the smell of orgasm in the air.
Darian bounced her off his lap, pointing to the same bed Briana had come on and let the two lovers watch from the other end.
Martina stripped off her boots, her trousers and her top, leaving only her lace bra and her mask on.
Darian ignored them, his eyes only on the prize of Martina’s wet cunt, and eager body.
He undressed slowly, his dick popping out from his costume as he slid the bottom half of his costume onto the already tangled floor.
Silently, Briana and Abbas slipped off the bed, and took their seat on the same chair.
Martina watched Darian as he parted her legs a little wider, and teased her even more with his wet fingers. He looked up at her quizzically.
‘You don’t shave?’
Martina shook her head, feeling the cool of his fingers investigate her. Darian nodded, as if in approval. Then slowly, surely, he knelt down and plunged his tongue into her. Martina gasped, fighting back the waves of pleasure that coursed through her as if she had been electrocuted.
Darian teased her clitoris, biting it, licking it, blowing it. Martina let out a moan, and saw Abbas’s member grow again, Briana noticed and was on all fours, her mouth wrapped around it and her fingers playing with his balls.
Darian teased her nipples, his thick fingers twisting them and pulling them till they stood erect, then his tongue finished what Martina’s fingers had started.
He lapped up her wetness, and plunged one thick finger into her pussy and pumped it furiously.
Lying on the bed and smelling the scent of Briana’s orgasm and Abbas’s cum, Martina’s thighs shook and clamped down on Darian’s head. He didn’t mind, he blew on her clitoris, and let out a little moan of approval.
He stood and mounted her. He slid it in slowly careful holding on to her thighs with his massive hands as he felt her.
‘You are tight,’ Darian commented. ‘So beautifully tight.’
She looked over to Briana and Abbas. Her mouth still licking and sucking and stroking his dick as Darian withdrew slowly and with great care.
Martina let out a moan, and Darian rammed his member back in. She cried out, a cry she didn’t know she could do.
‘Yes, like that,’ Darian said, his face buried in the flesh of her tits. ‘Again.’
He rammed himself in her to the balls, and Martina let out a cry so animalistic, Darian rammed her again and again, as she felt an orgasm come on her so strong, she couldn’t stop it.
‘You’re cumming. Cum for me.’
Martina obeyed. As Darian’s dick rammed her pussy till it felt bruised she let that orgasm hit her and send her into a frenzy. She bucked under him, clawed his back. Screamed with every thrust, every withdrawal, every grunt from Darian brought her closer and closer to orgasm till her thighs shook without control and she lost control of herself.
Darian did not stop, her pumped her till his teeth clenched together and his gentle hands grabbed her soft, big tits and squeezed them roughly. Martina loved it.
He came, withdrawing quickly as Abbas had done and let his cum cover her breasts and hair.
Martina was still shaking as he withdrew his member, and sighed content. ‘You are wonderful.’
The sheets beneath her were damp, and cool. Her back was arching as she came again, even as she listened to Abbas moan across the room. Her hands pulled at Darian as he tickled her clitoris with his receding member and rubbed his cum over her breasts and her belly.
She heard Briana give a little squeal of delight as Abbas pushed her off the chair and rammed her so hard, she heard the carpet scratch against her bare back.
She listened to Abbas grunt on top of Briana as she moaned and writhed beneath him, she heard Abbas pant and gasp and listened to the sound of their sex.
The feeling was glorious, more than she had thought it was be. Martina rolled over and watched Abbas and Briana fuck again on the carpeted floor, his massive cock grinding over her clitoris as he took her again, with all the frantic pace of two teenagers, but it was not awkward it was not nervous. They were confident, fast and sure.
Darian gathered up his discarded costume and watched them with the same interest she would see in eyes for many days to come.
He turned his face and indicated to the door. It was time to leave, and wait for the lovers downstairs in the party that didn’t even know were gone.
Martina gathered her costume and dressed in the adjoining bathroom, listening all the while to Briana receiving Abbas one cry at a time.
She crept past them as they screwed each other senseless on the bedroom floor oblivious to Martina’s quite exit.
She closed the door behind her as quietly as she could, re arranged her hair as best as she could and walked downstairs to join the rest of the party.
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